Proving that even totalitarian dictators are sometimes right (even if for the wrong reasons):
Fidel Castro Ruz (summarizing Atilio Borón), "The Debate Heats Up" (English version), Reflexiones del Comandante en Jefe, 9 May 2007; text of full essay here.Foodstuffs are transformed into fuels to make viable the irrationality of a civilization that, to sustain the wealth and privilege of a few, is brutally assaulting the environment and the ecologic conditions which made it possible for life to appear on Earth.
Transforming food into fuels is a monstrosity...The proposal of agrifuels is unviable, and it is ethically and politically unacceptable. But it is not enough just to reject it. It is necessary to implement a new energy revolution, but one that is at the service of the people and not at the service of the monopolies and imperialism.
[Photo: Reuters]
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